I am not a writer, i am just an average guy with an average knowledge enough to come up with words, combine those words to have some phrases and scribble them to create sentences. I am an old book with faded writings, i may not look appealing anymore but still welcomes those who are willing to learn from my rich past.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Vered: The Story of Didi Benami

As a big fan of American Idol, I always make sure not to miss a single episode. There are 3 main reasons why I love to spend my time watching the show. First, I am so bored watching local shows for they are all the same, I can find nothing interesting and I have watched similar shows before. Next, I love Simon Cowell and the reason is very obvious. It’s the straightforwardness; no one can stop him from saying what he wants to say whether it’s a positive or a negative feedback, he’s prank. The last reason is Didi Benami.

From the Denver Audition to the Hollywood Week, I am already watching her; I am inspired by her story and was captivated by her voice. To those who don’t know her yet here’s a very short biography of Didi.

Vered Didi Benami

Age 23

From Hollywood, CA

Her name is Hebrew-based meaning “rose” At an early age Didi immersed herself in these different music genres;

*Jazz    *Blues    *Southern Rock   *Folk  Country   *Rnb     *Pop

Favorite Quote
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”  By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Musical Influences
Adele, Norah Jones, Angel Taylor, Sheryl Crow, Joni Mitchell, Alana Davis, Patty Griffin, Sarah McLachlan, Amy Winehouse, Paul McCartney, Jason Reeves, John Lennon.

From the note pad of Didi:

I’m learning day by day, that this thing we call life, is a CRAZY journey in which you just never know what is gonna surprise you the next day. It’s true. Life is completely random, but at least we are ALIVE. For that fact alone I am grateful. I say: live it, love it, embrace it and BY ALL MEANS go for whatever makes you happiest because we only have ONE life to live. Life is a TRUE GIFT. Most important, anything you do make sure you do it with HEART. It makes the soul happy. : )

Thank you to all the crazy-beautiful people who have been apart of my life in any way; especially my family and friends for your unconditional love and support. I am so blessed to know such incredible people and tohave the opportunity to share this life with you. I love you all from the bottom of my heart—

Peace and Love,
Vered (Didi)

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